JCM Catalogue

Lactobacillus helveticus (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey et al. 1925

Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Bacillota; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Lactobacillaceae.

1120T <-- ATCC 15009 <-- P. A. Hansen Lh12 <-- S. Orla-Jensen 12 ("Thermobacterium helveticum").
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 15009 =BCRC 12936 =CCM 7193 =CCUG 30139 =CECT 4305 =CIP 103146 =DSM 20075 =IFO 15019 =KCTC 3545 =LMG 6413 =LMG 13555 =NBRC 15019 =NCFB 2712 =NCIMB 11971 =NRIC 1545 =NRRL B-4526.
Type strain [013].
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +  Full / Short version of the cataloguepage top

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Source: Emmental (Swiss) cheese.
Cell wall: [010].
Serology: Group A [014].
G+C (mol%): 39.3 (Tm) [013].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (AM113779, LC062899, X61141) [2983,12937].
DNA typing: AFLP [4724], RAPD-PCR [4724], ribotype [4925].
Other taxonomic data: SDS-PAGE [4724].
Taxonomy: [12937].
Genome sequence: ACLM00000000, AZEK00000000 [12937].
NCBI Assembly ID: GCA_000160855 (GenBank), GCF_000160855 (RefSeq).
BacDive ID: 6471.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1587.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059, A04075, A05009, A06222, A07011, A11280, A12004, A12061, A12363, A14450, A14493, A14506, A15198, A16003, A17536, A18516, A19165, A19172, A19493, A23046, A23396, A23456].
Patent publication(s) using this strain [JP2008-005811A, JP2008-074768A, JP2008-199905A, WO2008/130036, JP2008-245576A, JP2009-112214A, JP2010-239867A, JP2010-239868A, JP2011-121923A, JP2011-177049A, JP2012-12321A, JP2012-205539A, JP2012-25699A, WO/2012/063826, WO2012/091081 , JP2013-192470A, JP2013-005757A, WO/2014/171478 , 2015-86214, 2015-47114, WO/2015/046407, 2015-167474, 2016-208996, 2016-073314, 2017-031109, 2017-066086, 2017-171616, 2017-201984, 2017-226635, 2017-031102, 2017-066047, 2018-14965, WO2018/174125, 2019-33706, 2019-77694, 2020-152653, 2020-132560, WO2022-137644, WO2022-039249, 2022-79857, WO2022-202372, 7076840, 2022-33444, 2023-96453, 2023-33337].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1003 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-12 ("Lactobacillus jugurti") <-- ISL <-- ATCC 521 (Lactobacillus acidophilus) <-- W. R. Albus (Lactobacillus bulgaricus).
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 521 =CCM 1751 =CECT 800 =CIP 76.19 =IAM 12475 =LMG 11445 =NCFB 87 =NCIMB 2889.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

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Biochemistry/Physiology: [107].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [583].
More information: One of Metchnikoff's original strains.
BacDive ID: 134852.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059].
Patent publication(s) using this strain [JP2007-244274A].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1004 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-15 <-- M. E. Sharpe J-8 <-- NCDO 99.
Accessioned in 1982.
=LMG 11446 =NCDO 99 =NCIMB 700099.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

Genome sequence: AP023028 [13442].
More information: Aminopeptidase-producing lactic acid bacterium [13442].
NCBI Assembly ID: GCA_018408455 (GenBank), GCF_018408455 (RefSeq).
BacDive ID: 139090.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059, A04068, A21477, A23368].
Patent publication(s) using this strain [WO2007/094342, JP2011-172542A, JP2013-005757A, WO2020/262413, 2023-171280].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1005 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-16 ("Lactobacillus jugurti") <-- M. E. Sharpe J-12 <-- ATCC 8001 (Lactobacillus sp.) <-- M. Rogosa (Lactobacillus bulgaricus).
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 8001 =CECT 404 =NCFB 103 =NCIMB 8115.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

BacDive ID: 160849.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1006 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-18 ("Lactobacillus jugurti") <-- NIAI B-1 (Lactobacillus bulgaricus).
Accessioned in 1982.
=LMG 18174.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

BacDive ID: 160853.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1007 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-20 <-- ISL <-- ATCC 10797 <-- R. P. Tittsler V80.
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 10797 =LMG 11474.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

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Source: Swiss cheese starter.
Other taxonomic data: Biotype I [107].
BacDive ID: 160862.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1008 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-22 <-- M. E. Sharpe H-5 <-- ATCC 8018 <-- C. S. Pederson <-- S. Orla-Jensen.
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 8018 =CECT 414 =LMG 11449 =NCDO 262 =NCIMB 8025 =VKM B-1147.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

BacDive ID: 160865.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059, A12323].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1062 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-21 <-- G. Reuter 3066.
Accessioned in 1982.
=BCRC 14035 =LMG 18182.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

Source: Dairy products.
Other taxonomic data: Biotype I [107].
BacDive ID: 161004.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059, A07011, A12393].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1103 <-- T. Mitsuoka S1-5 ("Lactobacillus jugurti") <-- ISL <-- P. A. Hansen L804 <-- M. Rogosa <-- L. A. Rogers.
Accessioned in 1982.
=LMG 18183.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

BacDive ID: 161122.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1554 <-- ATCC 12046 <-- E. E. Snell H-80.
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 12046 =BCRC 12259 =CIP 57.15 =NCIMB 8733.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

Cell wall: [2904].
Assay: Pantotheine [586,618].
BacDive ID: 137106.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04059, A06220, A15198].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

20023 <-- IAM 1042 <-- ATU L-21.
Accessioned in 2007.
=ATU L-21 =IAM 1042.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

BacDive ID: 162696.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

This product was produced by the IAM Culture Collection (IAM) and transferred to JCM in 2007. Viability and purity assays were performed by IAM at the time of production. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

20397 <-- IAM 12090 <-- T. Morichi <-- Y. Ozawa B-1 (Lactobacillus bulgaricus).
Accessioned in 2007.
=IAM 12090.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

Source: Milk.
More information: Improved medium [6715,6716,6717,6718].
Assay: Pantethine [6719,6720].
BacDive ID: 162913.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

30912 <-- LMG 22464 <-- F. G. Priest; Heriot-Watt Univ., UK; SA <-- H. Ikemoto; Suntory Ltd., Japan; SA.
Accessioned in 2015.
=BCRC 17499 =CCUG 50205 =LMG 22464 =NCIMB 14005.
Lactobacillus suntoryeus.
Medium: 1;  Temperature: 37°C; Anaerobic; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

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Source: Malt whisky distilleries, Japan [5917].
Biochemistry/Physiology: [5917,10588].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [5917,10588].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (AY445815), slp (AY562189) [5917], atpA (AM086430), pheS (AM086433), rpoA (AM086436), groEL (DQ123576), 16S-23S rRNA ITS (DQ123575) [10588].
DNA typing: FAFLP fingerprints [10588].
Taxonomy: [10588].
More information: Type strain of Lactobacillus suntoryeus [5917].
BacDive ID: 153568.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

1552 <-- ATCC 10705 <-- K. C. Winkler 1175 (Lactobacillus lactis).
Accessioned in 1982.
=ATCC 10705 =BCRC 14034 =CECT 372.
Lactobacillus helveticus.
Medium: 1, 13, 84;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.   more information +

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More information: 16S rRNA gene partial sequence of this strain has a high similarity (99.8%) with L. delbrueckii.
Assay: Vitamin B12 [616].
BacDive ID: 161600.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

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