JCM Catalogue

Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974

Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes; Mycobacteriales; Nocardiaceae.

3202T <-- KCC A-0202 <-- M. Goodfellow N54 <-- IMRU 732 <-- R. S. Breed KMRh <-- Král Collection <-- M. Migula.
Accessioned in 1983.
=ATCC 13808 =BCRC 16333 =CCUG 47165 =CECT 5749 =CGMCC 4.1815 =CGMCC 1.2348 =CIP 104376 =DSM 43241 =HAMBI 1959 =IAM 15167 =IFM 0163 =IFO 16069 =IMET 7374 =KCTC 9086 =LMG 5365 =MTCC 265 =NBRC 16069 =NCIMB 11147 =NCTC 10210 =NRRL B-2149 =NRRL B-16536 =VKM Ac-1227 =VKM Ac-1338.
Type strain [596].
Medium: 43, 57;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +  Full / Short version of the cataloguepage top

Biochemistry/Physiology: [737,2257,2843].
Numerical taxonomy: [737,2073,2964,5342].
Cell wall: N-Glycolyl Mur [276,4176].
Fatty acid: [3821].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [391,2294,3821].
G+C (mol%): 62 (Tm) [486,1154], 69.5 (Tm) [490,1979,2074,2327], 68.1 (HPLC) [2843], 68.2 (genome sequence) [12227].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [490,1154,2843,3821].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (X79288, X81936) [3820,3951,3956], 5S rRNA (X55254).
Other taxonomic data: Mycolic acid [3821,4768]; Mycobactin [1980]; Ribosomal protein [3656,3947]; rRNA-DNA relatedness [1979,2074].
Genome sequence: BBXP00000000, LRRK00000000, LT906450.
More information: Degrades cholesterol [2257].
NCBI Assembly ID: GCA_900187265 (GenBank), GCF_900187265 (RefSeq).
BacDive ID: 10908.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1829.

Publication(s) using this strain [A04007, A06209, A07237, A08181, A11245, A15031, A16082, A18111].
Patent publication(s) using this strain [JP2008-231023A, JP2012-10635A, JP2012-41A, WO2012/002575].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

2156 <-- IAM 12125 <-- ATCC 271 <-- E. O. Jordan <-- Ruth Med. Coll.
Accessioned in 1983.
=ATCC 271 =BCRC 13391 =CIP 104186 =DSM 43274 =IAM 12125 =IMSNU 22207 =KCTC 3490.
Rhodococcus roseus.
"Mycobacterium rhodochrous".
"Bacterium mycoides".
Medium: 57;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Biochemistry/Physiology: [2270].
Numerical taxonomy: [2270].
Cell wall: Chemotype IV A; N-glycolyl Mur [2995].
Fatty acid: n-C16:0, 10Me-C18:0, n-C16:1 [3821].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [2995,3821].
G+C (mol%): 67.5 (HPLC) [2995].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [3821].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (X80624, X81921) [3821,3951,3956].
Other taxonomic data: Mycolic acid [2995,3821].
Taxonomy: [1047,2270,3821].
More information: Type strain of Rhodococcus roseus [2995].
BacDive ID: 10910.

Publication(s) using this strain [A09254, A20033].
Patent publication(s) using this strain [WO2018/124132, 2019-31548].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

2157 <-- IAM 12126 <-- ATCC 999 <-- R. S. Breed strain KMBC ("Bacillus mycoides corallinus") <-- Král Collection <-- M. Hefferan.
Accessioned in 1983.
=ATCC 999 =CIP 104495 =IAM 12126 =NCIMB 9948 =VKM Ac-780.
Medium: 57;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Source: Mississippi River water.
Biochemistry/Physiology: [2843].
Numerical taxonomy: [1587].
G+C (mol%): 68.9 (HPLC) [2843].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [2843].
BacDive ID: 163232.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

2158 <-- IAM 12127 <-- ATCC 4004 <-- R. S. Breed strain KBMR ("Bacillus mycoides roseus" I) <-- Král Collection <-- Baumgarten.
Accessioned in 1983.
=ATCC 4004 =CIP 104496 =IAM 12127.
Rhodococcus roseus.
"Mycobacterium rhodochrous".
"Serratia rosea".
Medium: 26, 43;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Biochemistry/Physiology: [2270,2995].
Numerical taxonomy: [2270].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [2294].
Other taxonomic data: Mycolic acid [2995,4768].
Taxonomy: [1047,2270,2995].
BacDive ID: 139137.

Publication(s) using this strain [A16124].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3010 <-- KCC A-0010 <-- ATCC 4273 <-- H. J. Conn <-- P. H. H. Gray 0-3.
Accessioned in 1983.
=ATCC 4273 =BCRC 11075 =CBS 197.57 =CCM 3245 =CCUG 18001 =CECT 3091 =CECT 3046 =CGMCC 4.1480 =CIP 104623 =DSM 43269 =IAM 12121 =ICPB 4421 =IFM 0025 =IFO 3338 =IMET 7018 =LMG 4077 =NBRC 3338 =NCCB 91001 =NCIMB 9259 =RIA 628 =VKM Ac-860.
"Nocardia corallina".
"Mycobacterium agreste".
Medium: 57;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Biochemistry/Physiology: [2843].
Numerical taxonomy: [486,737,1155,1587,3736].
Cell wall: N-Glycolyl Mur [4176].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [391,2294].
G+C (mol%): 66 (UV) [1154], 68.8 (HPLC) [2843].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [1154,2843].
BacDive ID: 10904.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

20420 <-- IAM 12123 <-- ATCC 4276 ("Nocardia opaca") <-- H. J. Conn ("Mycobacterium crystallophagum") <-- P. H. H. Gray.
Accessioned in 2007.
=ATCC 4276 =DSM 363 =DSM 43202 =IAM 12123 =ICPB 4414 =LMG 4067.
Medium: 26, 43, 57;  Temperature: 37°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

BacDive ID: 10897.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

This product was produced by the IAM Culture Collection (IAM) and transferred to JCM in 2007. Viability and purity assays were performed by IAM at the time of production. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

7553 <-- S. Takaichi RNMS1 <-- IAM <-- ATU <-- RIB ("Bacillus megaterium roseus" B3-9).
Accessioned in 1989.
=IAM 13988 =IFO 14894 =NBRC 14894.
Rhodococcus rhodochrous.
Medium: 57;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Biochemistry/Physiology: [2843].
Cell wall: meso-A2pm; Ara, Gal [2843].
Fatty acid: [2843].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [2843].
Polar lipid: PE, PI, DPG [2843].
G+C (mol%): 68.4 (HPLC) [2843].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [2843].
Other taxonomic data: Mycolic acid [2843].
Taxonomy: Reidentification [2843].
Production: Monocyclic carotenoid, carotenoid monoglycoside and carotenoid glycoside monoester [2886].
BacDive ID: 165555.

Patent publication(s) using this strain [2017-169505].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

9791 <-- T. Kudo K37.
Accessioned in 1996.
Rhodococcus rhodochrous.
Medium: 26;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Source: Soil from the Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Pref., Japan by enrichment with biphenyl as the sole source of carbon and energy [7555].
Cell wall: meso-A2pm [7555].
Fatty acid: Tuberclostearic acid [7555].
Quinone: MK-8(H2) [7555].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (partial) (D87090) [7555].
Other taxonomic data: Mycolic acid (C30-50) [7555].
More information: Degrades PCBs/biphenyl [7555]; Genes for biphenyl catabolism (AB272984) [7557]; 2,3-Dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase genes [7556].
BacDive ID: 166062.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1298611.
Genomic DNA is available from RIKEN BRC-DNA Bank: JGD12639.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
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 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

9793 <-- T. Kudo K39.
Accessioned in 1996.
Rhodococcus rhodochrous.
Medium: 26;  Temperature: 28°C; Rehydration fluid: 656.   more information +

Source: Soil from the Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Pref., Japan by enrichment with biphenyl as the sole source of carbon and energy.
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (partial) (D87091).
More information: Utilizes biphenyl.
BacDive ID: 166064.
Genomic DNA is available from RIKEN BRC-DNA Bank: JGD12640.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

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