JCM Catalogue

Candida sp.

Taxonomy in NCBI database: Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales.

2317 <-- AJ 5799 <-- T. Tsuchiya J-1256 <-- IFO 0842 <-- RIFY 7715 <-- Y. Ohara d-6.
Accessioned in 1983.
=AJ 5799 =IFO 0842 =NBRC 0842.
Candida valida.
Candida mycoderma.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +  Full / Short version of the cataloguepage top

Source: Grape juice [1757].
Locality: Japan.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3539 <-- M. Suzuki T-46 <-- W. Daengsubha.
Accessioned in 1984.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

Source: Sub-Pa-Rode (pineapple) [2445].
Locality: Thailand [2445].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3543 <-- M. Suzuki T-50 <-- W. Daengsubha.
Accessioned in 1984.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

Source: Unknown [2445].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3575 <-- M. Suzuki T-84 <-- W. Daengsubha.
Accessioned in 1984.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

Source: Pla-Jao (fermented fish) [2445].
Locality: Thailand [2445].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3581 <-- M. Suzuki T-90 <-- W. Daengsubha.
Accessioned in 1984.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

Source: Ma-Fueng (star apple, Carambola) [2445].
Locality: Thailand [2445].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

14994 <-- K. Futai QmPlEG-2-5.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (entrance) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB291678) [8713].
More information: This strain is closely related to Ogataea philodendri.

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

15000 <-- K. Futai QmPlEG-2-8.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (entrance) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB291677) [8713].
Genome sequence: <NBRP Genome Information Upgrading Program>; BCKB00000000.
More information: One of the primary symbionts of Platypus quercivorus [8713].
Genomic DNA is available from RIKEN BRC-DNA Bank: JGD13792.

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

15001 <-- K. Futai QmPlPB-3-9.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (pupal chamber) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB296362) [8713].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

15013 <-- K. Futai QmPlVG-2-49.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (vertical gallery) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB291685) [8713].

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

15017 <-- K. Futai QmPlVG-3-41.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (vertical gallery) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB291686) [8713].
More information: This strain is closely related to Ogataea falcaomoraisii.

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

15018 <-- K. Futai QmPlPB-1-59.
Accessioned in 2007.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (pupal chamber) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB291684) [8713].

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16724 <-- K. Futai QsPq3PC-2-25 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (pupal chamber) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus serrata [8713].
Locality: Harikoyama, Muko, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene, identical to (AB291677) [8713].
More information: One of the primary symbionts of Platypus quercivorus [8713].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16725 <-- K. Futai QcPq2PC-2-9 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (pupal chamber) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus crispula [8713].
Locality: Hachodaira, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene, identical to (AB291677) [8713].
More information: One of the primary symbionts of Platypus quercivorus [8713].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16726 <-- K. Futai QrPqPC-1-1 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (pupal chamber) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus robur [8713].
Locality: Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene, identical to (AB291677) [8713].
More information: One of the primary symbionts of Platypus quercivorus [8713].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16738 <-- K. Futai QmPlLG-1-48 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (lateral gallery) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB552924) [8713].
More information: This strain is closely related to Saccharomycopsis selenospora.

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16747 <-- K. Futai QmPlLG-1-45 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (lateral gallery) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Quercus laurifolia [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB552927) [8713].

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16754 <-- K. Futai CcPqEG-1-1 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (entrance) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Castanopsis cuspidata [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB552929) [8713].

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

16758 <-- K. Futai CcPqEG-2-9 <-- R. Endoh.
Accessioned in 2010.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Beetle gallery (entrance) of an ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in Castanopsis cuspidata [8713].
Locality: Kamigamo Experimental Station of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [8713].
Phylogeny: D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA gene (AB552930) [8713].

Publication(s) using this strain [C11283].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control but note that the authenticity has not yet been checked by gene sequencing. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

28601 <-- T. Tateishi; Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan <-- R. Kigawa and J. Sugiyama; Natl. Res. Inst. for Cult. Prop., Tokyo and TechnoSuruga Lab. Co., Ltd., Japan; K9925-6-5y.
Accessioned in 2016.
Medium: 25;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

Source: Black viscous gels in a hole on east area of the ceiling stone in the stone chamber.
Locality: Kitora Tumulus.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1 -
Terms and conditions Imposed
Export control (1) No -
Distribution control in Japan (2) No -
Genetically modified microorganism No -
Technical information - -
Additional information - -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

3527 <-- M. Suzuki T-32 <-- W. Daengsubha.
Accessioned in 1984.
=TISTR 5273.
Candida sp.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Ma-kam Dong (pickled tamarind) [2445].
Locality: Thailand [2445].
More information: This strain was formerly registered as Candida sp.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

5207 <-- S. Kato No. 29.
Accessioned in 1985.
Candida sp.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Soaked fluid of salted "Daikon" (Raphanus sativus) [2137].
Locality: Saitama Pref., Japan [2137].
More information: This strain was formerly registered as Candida sp.

Patent publication(s) using this strain [AU2015215750].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

5210 <-- S. Kato No. 121.
Accessioned in 1985.
Candida sp.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Soaked fluid of salted "Daikon" (Raphanus sativus) [2137].
Locality: Saitama Pref., Japan [2137].
More information: This strain was formerly registered as Candida sp.

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

5943 <-- K. Tokuoka 23-40B.
Accessioned in 1986.
Candida sp.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Banana [1833].
Locality: Tokyo, Japan [1833].
Biochemistry/Physiology: [1833].
Quinone: Q-9 [1833].
G+C (mol%): 48.5 [1833].
More information: This strain was formerly identified as Candida sp. [1833].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

5944 <-- K. Tokuoka 105-40A.
Accessioned in 1986.
Candida sp.
Medium: 25, 30;  Temperature: 25°C; Rehydration fluid: 666.   more information +

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Source: Flower [1833].
Locality: Tokyo, Japan [1833].
Biochemistry/Physiology: [1833].
G+C (mol%): 48.6 [1833].
More information: This strain was formerly identified as Candida sp. [1833].

 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan

 Delivery category
Domestic A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)
Overseas A (Freeze-dried or L-dried culture) or C (Actively growing culture on request)

Viability and purity assays of this product were performed at the time of production as part of quality control. The authenticity of the culture was confirmed by analyzing an appropriate gene sequence, e.g., the 16S rRNA gene for prokaryotes, the D1/D2 region of LSU rRNA gene, the ITS region of the nuclear rRNA operon, etc. for eukaryotes. The characteristics and/or functions of the strain appearing in the catalogue are based on information from the corresponding literature and JCM does not guarantee them.

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