Medium data

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Unless otherwise stated, sterilize media by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min.


Na2SO4  4.0     g
KH2PO4  0.2     g
NH4Cl  0.25    g
NaCl  20.0     g
MgCl2·6H2O  3.4     g
CaCl2·2H2O  0.25    g
FeCl2 solution (see Medium No. 187)  1.0     ml
Trace element solution (see Medium No. 187)  1.0     ml
Selenite-tungstate solution (see Medium No. 431)  1.0     ml
Resazurin  0.5     mg
Distilled water  1.0     L
Mix components thoroughly, bring to a boil and cool down under a N2-CO2 (4:1, v/v) gas mixture. Distribute the medium into culture vessels (e.g., 10 ml in Balch tubes) under the same gas mixture, seal with butyl rubber stoppers and autoclave. After cooling, aseptically and anaerobically add per liter the following solutions (autoclaved or *filter-sterilized and stored under a N2 gas atmosphere; **filter-sterilized and stored under an 80% N2-20% CO2 gas mixture):
Trace vitamins* (see Medium No. 197)  10.0     ml
Vitamin B12 solution* (see Medium No. 403)  1.0     ml
Steric solution (see below)  10.0     ml
8% NaHCO3 solution**  20.0     ml
5% Na2S·9H2O solution  8.0     ml
Stearic solution:
Stearic acid  0.36    g
2 N NaOH solution  0.63    ml
Distilled water  10.0     ml
Heat the solution in a closed vial under a N2 atmosphere in a boiling water bath. Shake until stearic acid is dissolved and autoclave. Add the solution to the medium while stearic acid is dissolved. Re-melt if stearic acid is solidified.

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