Medium data

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Unless otherwise stated, sterilize media by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min.


Bacto peptone (BD-Difco)  0.25    g
Yeast extract (BD-Difco)  0.25    g
Mineral salt solution (see below)  20.0     ml
2.5% Glucose solution  10.0     ml
Vitamin solution (see below)  10.0     ml
Agar  15.0     g
Artificial seawater (see below)  960.0     ml
Add components except the glucose solution and Vitamin solution, to artificial seawater and mix thoroughly. Gently heat and bring to a boil. Autoclave and then cool to 45 - 50C. Aseptically add the filter-sterilized glucose solution and Vitamin solution. Adjust pH to 7.5 with sterile KOH, if necessary.
Mineral salt solution:
MgSO4·7H2O  29.7     g
Nitrilotriacetic acid  10.0     g
CaCl2·2H2O  3.34    g
FeSO4·7H2O  99.0     mg
Na2MoO4·2H2O  13.0     mg
Metals ''44'' (see Medium No. 149)  50.0     ml
Distilled water  950.0     ml
Add nitrilotriacetic acid to 500 ml of distilled water. Dissolve by adjusting pH to 6.5 with KOH. Add the remaining components and distilled water. Readjust pH to 7.2.
Vitamin solution:
Biotin  2.0     mg
Folic acid  2.0     mg
Pyridoxine·HCl  10.0     mg
Riboflavin  5.0     mg
Thiamine·HCl  5.0     mg
Nicotinamide  5.0     mg
Calcium pantothenate  5.0     mg
Vitamin B12  0.1     mg
p-Aminobenzoic acid  5.0     mg
Distilled water  1.0     L
Artificial seawater:
NaCl  23.477   g
Na2SO4  3.917   g
MgCl2·6H2O  4.981   g
CaCl2·2H2O  1.102   g
NaHCO3  192.0     mg
KCl  664.0     mg
KBr  6.0     mg
H3BO3  26.0     mg
SrCl2·6H2O  24.0     mg
NaF  3.0     mg
Distilled water  1.0     L

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