Medium data

Search for medium no. = [1354].
Unless otherwise stated, sterilize media by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min.


Yeast extract (BD-Difco)  0.3     g
Sodium succinate  1.0     g
Ammonium acetate  0.5     g
0.1% Fe(III) citrate solution  5.0     ml
KH2PO4  0.5     g
MgSO4·7H2O  0.4     g
NaCl  0.4     g
NH4Cl  0.4     g
CaCl2·2H2O  0.05    g
0.01% Vitamin B12 solution  0.4     ml
SL-6 Trace element solution (see Medium No. 167)  1.0     ml
L-Cysteine·HCl·H2O  0.3     g
Resazurin  0.5     mg
Distilled water  1.0     L
Mix components thoroughly and adjust pH 6.8. Bring to a boil, cool down under a stream of N2, distribute the medium into culture vessels (e.g., 10 ml medium in Hungate type tubes) under N2, seal with butyl rubber stoppers and autoclave.
After inoculation, cultivate in the light using a tungsten lamp.

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