Medium data

Search for medium no. = [1291].
Unless otherwise stated, sterilize media by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min.


KH2PO4  1.5     g
K2HPO4  2.9     g
Urea  2.1     g
MOPS  10.0     g
Yeast extract  6.0     g
Trisodium citrate·2H2O  2.9     g
L-Cysteine·HCl·H2O  0.25    g
Resazurin  1.0     mg
Distilled water  1.0     L
Mix components thoroughly and adjust pH to 7.2 with NaOH. Bring to a boil, then cool down and distribute into culture vessels under a N2 gas stream, seal with butyl rubber stoppers, and autoclave. After cooling, aseptically and anaerobically add the following solution (autoclaved):
GS2 salt solution (see below)  10.0     ml
0.2 M Cellobiose solution  8.0     ml
GS2 salt solution:
MgCl2·6H2O  100.0     g
CaCl2·2H2O  15.0     g
1.25% FeSO4 solution  0.1     ml
Distilled water  1.0     L

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