#README# ---------------------------- Instruction of download files Last updated: xx/xx/xxxx ---------------------------- [Introduction] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory includes all results of the gene prediction and functional annotation of the strain. Content of each file is described below. Results summary and process information are shown on the summary page. For more detailed information of each process, please refer to .log files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [File content] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx_assembly_v001.fasta : Assembly schaffolds in fasta format. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.all.nf.gff : Predicted gene models in GFF3 format. Containing MAKER predictions, all evidence and masked repeats. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.all.maker.proteins.fasta : Fasta format protein sequences predicted by the maker pipeline. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.all.maker.transcripts.fasta : Fasta format transcript sequences predicted by the maker pipeline. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.annotation_sprot.annot : Functional annotation of the predicted gene model by Sma3s with swiss-prot database in annot format. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.annotation_sprot.gff : Functional annotation of the predicted gene model by Sma3s with swiss-prot database in GFF3 format. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.annotation_trembl.annot : Functional annotation of the predicted gene model by Sma3s with trembl database in annot format. ./JCM_xxxx/JCM_xxxx.annotation_trembl.gff : Functional annotation of the predicted gene model by Sma3s with trembl database in GFF3 format. ./md5checksums.txt : md5checksum results for all files in the directory. * Masked text "xxxx" corresponds to JCM number of the strain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Contact] -------------------------------------------------- Microbe Division / Japan Collection of Microorganisms RIKEN BioResource Research Center 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, JAPAN FAX: +81-29-836-9561 E-mail: inquiry.jcm@riken.jp URL: https://jcm.brc.riken.jp/ -------------------------------------------------